
Showing posts from March, 2023


 Here is the original image: Here is the image of myself before editing: Final image: Artist statement: For my somewhere project I photoshopped myself into my favorite tv show, Bob's Burgers. I used Adobe Photoshop to insert the still frame from Bob's Burgers. I then hid the base layer before embedding the image of myself. Next, I used the quick selection tool to create a mask of myself. After that, I used the clone stamp tool to blend myself into the background. Lastly, I used the brush tool to put my tagbrush in the upper left hand corner. 

Photoshop Homework 3

This image would be hard to photoshop yourself into because Kirby is pretending to touch the other person in the photograph. This is more difficult than just photoshopping yourself near another person.  This image inspired me for the somewhere project because it was taken on a safari, which is something that I have always wanted to do.  This set of images made me laugh because that is obviously not what he meant when he wanted to look less like a child.  I think that this image would be cool to recreate because I like the idea of playing with depth by making something small look larger that it really is. 


 Artist Statement: My calligram project depicts my future self on her way to work. My dream job is to work as a public relations practitioner on a political campaign, and that is what I wrote about in my letter. I created the calligram on Adobe Illustrator. I put my sketch of my future self on a layer, and then on a separate layer I used the pen and curvature tools to outline the image. Next, I used the Type, Type on Path, and Area Type Tools to add the text from my letter over the path that I created. Lastly, I deleted the layer with my original sketch.  The Calligram:  The sketch: My letter:  Dear future self,  I am currently a freshman at the University of Tampa, and loving it. I have made some amazing friends here, and I hope you are still close with them. I am studying political science, advertising and public relations. I really want a job working for a corporate public relations firm, or for a political candidate. Is that what we ended up doing? I just went to the study abroad f


  The black and white version of my logo: The 3 color versions of my logo: The sketches for my logo:  Artist statement: My logo consists of the Czech, Belgian, and British flags. This is because these are all of the countries that I lived in while I was growing up. I chose to include these flags in my personal logo because these countries and the people I met while I lived in them shaped me into the person that I am today. I created the logo on Adobe Illustrator, and used the pen and curvature tools in order to create the shape of the flags. I also filled in each logo with different shades of the appropriate color for that flag. 

BW to Color

  For my black and white to color project I created three separate colorful versions of a photo of me and my friend Rachel. Each version has a separate color pallet that I got from the Adobe color wheel. First I turned the original image into black and white. Next, I used the masking and selection tools on Adobe Photoshop, along with layers, to add color back into my black and white image. Lastly, I added my tagbrush in the appropriate color pallet to the top right corner of each picture.


My TagBrush image depicts the Czech, Belgian, and British flags combined into a single logo. This is because I have lived in all three of these countries, and they are a big part of what shaped me into the person that I am today. The logo has been distressed by scratches and spray marks that where added in Adobe Photoshop. The logo was also changed into three deep shades of red for the TagBrush. Below are my finished TagBrush and the original logo. 

Photoshop Homework 2

     An image from the documentary that brought me close to my own emotions was the portrait that he took of Michelle Obama for the cover of Time Magazine for the "Meaning of Michelle" issue. The dark lighting in the back of the photo in contrast with the brightness of her face creates a serious and intense tone for the portrait. There is also a lot of focus on Michelle's eyes in the photo. It creates a very strong and confident tone for the image. The camera positioning also plays a large part in this portrait. The straight on angle that the photo was taken with only adds to the intense and powerful tone of the photograph.            A photo where I visually express connection to the world around me and another human being is this selfie that I took with my friend Rachel. Rachel and I are at Plant Hall on the University of Tampa Campus. You can see the connection that I feel for Rachel because of how close we are stood together, and because we are resting our faces again

Photoshop Homework 1 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> This video tutorial shows you everything that you need to know in order to start a new photoshop project. It shows you how to first create a new document, and how to title it. Next, the video explains how to import an image, which seams very simple. Next, the video explains the software interface in photoshop. The history tool will definitely be very useful because I am new to photoshop and will likely make a lot of mistakes. Lastly, the video went over the basic editing tools associated with photoshop. For example, the move and selection tools. <iframe width="560" height="

Self Portrait Poster

My propaganda poster includes an image of myself with a lit cigarette, a long with the slogan "smoking kills". The purpose of the poster is to encourage teens and young adults not to smoke. I look unhappy in the image and I am surrounded by dark grey smoke in an attempt to show the negative effects that smoking has on both your physical and mental health. Because the poster is aimed at a younger audience, I decided to create a punk style propaganda poster. You can see this through the dark and grungy color palette, as well as the block lettering that the slogan is written in.  I used the block letters on this Sex Pistols poster as inspiration for the slogan on my propaganda poster.