
 Here is the original image:

Here is the image of myself before editing:

Final image:
Artist statement:

For my somewhere project I photoshopped myself into my favorite tv show, Bob's Burgers. I used Adobe Photoshop to insert the still frame from Bob's Burgers. I then hid the base layer before embedding the image of myself. Next, I used the quick selection tool to create a mask of myself. After that, I used the clone stamp tool to blend myself into the background. Lastly, I used the brush tool to put my tagbrush in the upper left hand corner. 


  1. This is impressive because it actually looks like you could be there. Even though obviously you're not animated, it looks like you adjusted the colors perfectly to match your animated surroundings. Well done.

  2. I saw Bob's Burgers as the thumbnail for this blog and I knew that I had to take a look. I think this is a really good example of doing this somewhere project correctly. I probably would've taken me a lot longer to place myself where you did in the frame simply because of the condiments that are on the table. I feel like doing all that masking would've taken me a little longer to do it than I would've liked. Anyways, I like what you did and it looks great.

  3. this is so cool ! you did really good, you fit in so well. the stuff on the counter in front of you really adds depth

  4. I like the way you cleanly placed yourself in the image, it looks like it took a lot of time to do! Good job. I like the way you made sure to place yourself behind certain items to make it look more realistic.


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