
 Artist Statement:

My calligram project depicts my future self on her way to work. My dream job is to work as a public relations practitioner on a political campaign, and that is what I wrote about in my letter. I created the calligram on Adobe Illustrator. I put my sketch of my future self on a layer, and then on a separate layer I used the pen and curvature tools to outline the image. Next, I used the Type, Type on Path, and Area Type Tools to add the text from my letter over the path that I created. Lastly, I deleted the layer with my original sketch. 

The Calligram: 

The sketch:

My letter: 

Dear future self, 

I am currently a freshman at the University of Tampa, and loving it. I have made some amazing friends here, and I hope you are still close with them. I am studying political science, advertising and public relations. I really want a job working for a corporate public relations firm, or for a political candidate. Is that what we ended up doing? I just went to the study abroad fair a few days ago and got a ton of information about going to Spain next year to study public relations. I have an application workshop next week to help my chances of getting in. I really hope that we ended up going. One of the things that I love about public relations is that there are job opportunities all over the world. I really want to move back to Europe one day, I really hope that is where you live now. I also love the writing aspect of advertising and public relations. Even if you ended up getting a government or political position, I really hope that you are still writing. You are 38 now. Hopefully that means you are married, and maybe have a kid or two. I am sure that is super stressful, but so much fun. Regardless of whether you ended up starting a family, I hope that you are still working. My career is something that is super important to me at the moment, and I hope that it is still important to you. I am working so hard at school right now for our degree, and I hope you put it to good use out there in the workforce. Currently, Joel and I are both in Florida, and only four hours away. I hope that you and Joel still live close to each other. Even if you do not, you are definitely an aunt by now which is very exciting. I also hope that Mom and Dad are still doing well. Even though I moved away from home this year, I still talk to them all the time, and I am sure that you do too.

Best wishes, 

Your past self 


  1. Your calligram looks professional, Anya. I really love how you connected your personal story to your art. It is also such a smart idea to add the rest of your letter at the background. It makes it look more professional.


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Calligram Project