
Showing posts from April, 2023

Id H1

 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> This first video is called Learn Adobe InDesign in 9 Minutes! It explains the functions and how to use the basic tools on Adobe InDesign. First, they went over how to create a new file and adjust the size of the page, the margins, and the bleed. Next, they discussed how to make and switch layers, as well as the properties functions. Then they went over the selection and move tools and what they are used for. Lastly, the video explains how to use the text box tool and how to adjust the colors to shapes or writing on InDesign.  <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube v

Business Cards

Business Card Sketches: Business Cards: Artist Statement: I created three person business cards using Adobe InDesign. I did this by creating three layers and adding color to my background layers. Next, I went onto my first layer and placed my logo onto the business card. Then, I went onto my third layer and put my name, phone number, and email using the text tool. For the back of my business cards, I added color to my background layer, and then placed my tag brush in different locations.   


This is a postcard for Spain that I made on Adobe InDesign. I placed images of Spanish beaches, and used the Text Tool to add the phrase "Spanish Beaches". I used the selection tool to move around the images of the beaches and organize them on the front of the postcard. Next, I added another horizontal page and used the line tool to add the lines for writing. I also used the brush tool to add my tag brush, and added a wavy line around it. Lastly, I used the text tool to add the words "Spanish beaches" to the top of the page.  Business card sketches:  


 Original Image: Final Animated Gif:  Artist Statement: I created a GIF of a dog wagging his tail. I used Adobe Photoshop to do this. I created and duplicated layers to draw the different tail positions. Next, I added the frames to the timeline, and hid different layers at different times to make it look like the dog's tail was wagging. I also added frames of my tag brush and the credits at the end of my animation.