
Showing posts from February, 2023

Illustrator Homework 2

       You need to be in a state of play in order to create. Being in a state of play means that you allow the subconscious to take over and you can free associate. This basically means that you stop over thinking or thinking at all. You let your thoughts flow through your head. Once you have achieved this, your creativity will flow a lot easier and you will be able to get out of your own head.      Your best ideas do not come from working at your desk. You need to get up and move around in order to get your creativity flowing. Ideas come all kinds of ways. Paula gets all her ideas from the physical world, New York in particular. She says in the documentary that she cannot leave the city for too long or she'll "lose all of her ideas". I get my best ideas when I am talking with other people. It helps me get out go my own head.       I like to create stories. I keep a journal and I love writing in it all the time. Sometimes I write about myself, but other times I like to wr

Calligram Project

     The sketch above is the inspiration that I used for my calligram.  Artist Statement      For my Calligram Project, I created a picture of my future self on her way to work. In the letter that I wrote to myself in twenty years, I talked a lot about my career and how I hope it is still important to me. I  worked really hard all through out high school in order to get into the University of Tampa, and I am working really hard now and double majoring in order to get my degree, so I really want all of this hard work to have payed off in twenty years. Because of this, my biggest hope for my future self is that I continued to work hard and I became successful.       I used Adobe Illustrator to outline a sketch that I drew of my future self. In the sketch, I am on my way to work and I am carrying a brief case. I then put the text from my letter over the outline that I created using the pen tool. I also put a background behind the image of me, and then filled that with the text from my let